Private Oil Painting Instruction in France

Private Oil Painting Instruction in France

Private instruction in France in 2025 is extremely limited. Please feel free to enquire but understand that I may not be able to accommodate your travel plans. Please consider taking a Zoom class or one of my new online weekend retreats.

I particularly liked the freedom you gave to let me develop the desire to produce a piece of individual work, and then to make suggestions about what might be done next to improve the painting- based on what I was already thinking of doing. This improved my confidence a great deal and has left me with a much higher sense of competence for future work.

~Liam Breen

What’s included:

  • 4 hours of private painting instruction per day (either 1 – 5 or 2 – 6 PM)
  • all materials for up to two paintings provided
  • professional quality photography of your artwork
  • light snacks and beverages

Upon reservation, you have the choice to take your paintings with you, or if not possible, I will arrange shipping on your behalf when they are dry. You must pay for packaging and shipping costs in advance.

What’s not included:

  • transportation
  • room and board
  • meals
  • packaging and shipping of artwork

We’re happy to send you suggestions for places to stay. Air B&B is a good choice when searching for accommodation. Assuming you want to stay close by, you will want to find something in or near Brossac or Chalais. Aubeterre is a lovely little village with much visual interest about ½ hr away. If you will have time to explore, the major city of Bordeaux is just over an hour away and Angouleme and Cognac, are 45 minutes away.

Many of our students stay here:
or here:

A word about the area:

We are very rural, so your own transportation is a must. Also, please be advised most restaurants only serve between 12 and 2 and open again for dinner around 7. Please plan accordingly. You won’t find much at all open on a Sunday.


Starting 2020, my rate is 500 € per afternoon per person +tax. Come for one day or for as many days as you choose. Payment is invoiced upon booking and requires a 250 € non-refundable deposit  to reserve with balance due no later than four weeks before reservation. For those wanting their painting shipped once dry, we apply the following shipping & handling fees to your invoice:

US: 65 €
Europe:  30 €

Minors 16+ must be accompanied by an adult.

Payment Options:

Please arrange a direct deposit in euros either using an inexpensive currency transfer service such as Wise (How do I send money using Wise?) or Currencies Direct. We can recommend Wise. Stuart’s invite code to try them for free is

If you choose to utilize your own bank and are not within the EU, you are responsible for all fees associated with both sending and receiving currency (OUR – “Remitter pays all fees” or “Sender bears all transaction fees” (SWIFT standard field 71A “Details of Charges”)).

Whichever payment method you prefer, please contact me directly for bank details.

Cancellation/Refund Policy:

If you need to cancel for any reason, a 100% tuition refund minus the non-refundable deposit will be credited if notice is given at least 3 weeks in advance, 50% minus the deposit if notified at least two weeks in advance, and no refund after that. Stuart Davies is not liable for losses (accommodation, transportation, deposits, etc) arising as a result of your cancellation.

In the unlikely event Stuart Davies must cancel for any reason, you will receive a full refund of tuition paid including your deposit within 14 days after which I will have no further obligation including but not limited to losses related to travel reservations. Stuart Davies does not assume liability for cancellation penalties associated with non-refundable tickets, nor is he liable for canceled flights.

Liability/Travel Insurance:

It is strongly recommended that you purchase travel insurance to cover any medical, transportation, or other unexpected costs associated with travel delay, disruption, and/or cancellation or accident. Stuart Davies undertakes no responsibility for reservations, accommodations, transportation and safety, nor any other aspect of your trip except for the educational program. No covenants or warranties are expressed or implied, and Stuart Davies will not be liable in any way for personal injury, death, property damage, or any loss incurred by any person in connection with this program.


Stuart Davies reserves the right and all participants agree to allow Stuart Davies and associates to take and utilize photographs and/or videos for promotional purposes.

Important Note:

Please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, or artificial fragrances to the studio. I am severely allergic and don’t want anything to interfere with or impede instruction. I appreciate your understanding.

Inquire by email.

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